Vince Alighieri

Vince is a habitual pot user who has lived in the Nixon Street flats as long as anyone can remember. He originally lived in the flat above Halifax but, following a rent hike by their Russian mobster landlord, became Halifax's flatmate after Shakra moved out.

As Halifax's flatmate, Vince was one of the factors that first kept him apart from Holly and then, later, pushed them together. Vince spends the majority of his time smoking weed, watching cartoons, and talking to his adopted cat, Michael Howard. When Shakra became landlord of the flats, he and Vince moved to the top floor apartment where Shakra is infuriated by the stoner's presence. Vince remains oblivious.

Recently the flatmates discovered that Vince holds down a respectable job as partner in a law firm, where he specialises in divorce cases. Despite being an inveterate stoner he is often seen dispensing sage advice to those around him on topics as diverse as modern law and quantum physics.

All writing DR Williams and M Elizabeth Williams 2003-2010 unless otherwise noted. All artwork by DR Williams (except for the bits that aren't.)